Dakar Rally

Is anyone else watching this? Its insane. Check it out on 6pm weekday’s on SBS, its a huge rally across Africa. Its got bikes, cars and these huge trucks like giant lorries that tip over all the time and have to get dug out of the sand. The teams help each other out and frequently […]

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I recently developed an application in django. Django is a full featured web framework for python, including ORM, automatic admin interface, URL mapper, template and caching systems. Basically if you want to write a blog, or a web forum, or an online poll you will find django to be an incredibly efficient and speedy way […]

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If you use Debian as much as I do you may have been searching for a utility or function with apt and dpkg that can tell you which package provides a particular file. The utility is called apt-file and it is an absolute life saver. It is not part of the apt system, it caches […]

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